Sashiko Store

Sashiko Thread | White Collection

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Sashiko Thread | White Collection
Product Details

Another Great Sashiko thread addition to our Sashiko thread collection. We have been using the great Sashiko thread by Coron Manufacture for a long time. In order to add some variation and selection, I have been in a mission to find the great Sashiko thread. Here is the outcome.

The thread is manufactured by a long-established Japanese thread manufacture. The quality is supreme, and I have been confirming it by using in several Sashiko projects. Great for Sashiko & Mending projects.

【Update on May 19th, 2020】
Due to the suspension of International Shipping caused by Covid-19 pandemic, we have very small inventory, especially for the Original White (Ecru). Please consider getting our "Proudly High-Quality" Sashiko thread as the alternative to this great thread. Both of them are very good for Sashiko project. The alternative (the main thread we use) is available here.

*Choose #10 for the similar color of Original White Ecru.

[Color Selection]:

  • Original White (Ecru white - 10) - Out of stock soon.
  • Bright White (Bleached White - 12)

[Product Information]

Material: Cotton 100%

Color: Original White (Ecru) or Bright White (Bleached)

Great for Sashiko stitching

About 26 gram and about 145 meter length per skein.